Friday, December 16, 2011

Their Eyes Were Watching God (56-92)

Dialectical Journal 56

(PG 62) Here he was joust pouring honor all over her; building a highchair for her to sit in and overlook the world and she here pouting over it!

Joe really doesn’t get that Janie doesn’t want fame and fortune. She wants to be like everybody else and she wants to live and enjoy her life. He is trying to compensate for the way he treats by giving her all these things and doing all these things, like making sure she doesn’t socialize with the less important folks, so she will be happy and not leave him. It just shows how little he knows Janie.

Dialectical Journal 57

(PG 67) The girls and everybody else help laugh. They know its not courtship. It’s acting-out courtship and everybody is in the play.

What’s going on here isn’t real, however there is a distinction between what is going on here and Joe and Janie’s relationship. Here everyone is laughing and having a good time whereas in their marriage Joe just treats Janie like she is something that he owns. He really doesn’t treat her like a wife at all, he just uses her to make himself look good and gain more money.

Dialectical Journal 58

(PG 71) All you got tuh do is mind me. How come you can’t do lak Ah tell Yuh?

You sho loves to tell me whut to do, but Ah can’t tell you nothin’ Ah see.

Finally Janie gets to tell Joe how she feels. Joe comes right out and says that he is the boss and Janie is supposed to listen and obey everything he says. Of course, Janie being the strong woman that she is will not stand for it. After this we can tell there is going to be tension between them and Janie will most likely not be so willing to obey every command Joe gives her.

Dialectical Journal 59

(PG 72) She stood there until something fell off the shelf inside her. Then she went inside there to see what it was. It was her image of Jody tumbled down and shattered.

Again we are seeing that Janie’s dreams of love and marriage are being shattered. She is finally accepting and realizing that she cannot hold on to this dream and fantasy forever and she has got to face facts.

Dialectical Journal 60

(PG 72) But looking at it she saw that it never was the flesh and blood figure of her dreams. Just something she had grabbed up to drape her dreams over.

Ever since her first husband Janie had just been looking for love and a happily ever after. When she met Joe she thought she had found it, but looking at the actual relationship now she finds that she was just pretending that Joe was the one. She so desperately wanted it that she was willing to over look how poorly he treated her but she can’t overlook it anymore. I predict that she is going to be brave and try and find her dream somewhere else.

Dialectical Journal 61

(PG 75) Janie did what she had never done before, that is, thrust herself into the conversation.

Finally Janie is taking a stand and fighting for her rights. She is tired of having to sit on the sideline because Joe makes her. She is tired of being controlled and overpowered so by stepping in she is letting Joe know that he isn’t going to be able to push her around anymore.

Dialectical Journal 62

(PG 76) No matter what Jody did, she said nothing.

Janie is really good about controlling her emotions for the most part and she is able to hold them in. But as we all know eventually we reach a breaking point and I feel like soon she is going to get tired of taking all the crap that Jody does and says to her and she is going to snap.

Dialectical Journal 63

(PG 76) She was a rut in the road. Plenty of life beneath the surface, but it was kept beaten down by the wheels.

Janie enjoys doing things that everyone else gets to do. She likes to be able to live her life and she is a very full spirited woman. However Joe is basically tying her down and not letting her live. Anytime she thinks about doing something or is offered to do something (such as give a speech) he says that she is not suitable to do so. Perhaps Joe keeps beating her down to make him feel better about himself. Janie is a better person then Joe is and since he is a man of power and desires looking good infront of his people, he bashes on Janie and gives her restrictions so that she is less of an admired person.

Dialectical Journal 64

(PG 77) then one day she sat and watched the shadow of herself going about tending store…while all the time she herself sat under a shady tree with the wind…

This is Janie reflecting on her life. She is sitting under the tree which means she is sitting under the life she wishes she had. While she is sitting there she reflects on the life that she actually has. Trees are a representation of life and growing through life, however all Janie can do is sit under the tree and wish she had the life she has been dreaming about.

Dialectical Journal 65

(PG 77) Somebody near about making summertime out of lonesomeness

Hurston uses the idea of seasons here. Summer time is about sunshine, happiness and love. Janie is finding it harder and harder to make this happiness out of the constant loneliness she is feeling. Even though she is with Joe she feels empty and alone.

Dialectical Journal 66

(PG 77) He just stood infront of the chair and fell in it. That made her look at him all over. Joe wasn’t so young as he used to be.

Janie fell in “love” (I say it was more lust) with Joe because of his energy and admirations for change. However with age Joe has lost his energy and his drive which makes Janie less attracted to him. She has also grown to resent change because that is all Joe focuses on and he is consumed by making change and building up Eatonville. So basically Janie has lost all sorts of attractions she had toward Joe. This also plays into the idea that Joe is growing old while Janie is staying young. Joe is so focused on power and money that his youth has disappeared. While Janie is still enjoying her life and remaining as happy as she can giving the circumstances. She still enjoys laughing and having a good time and Joe does not.

Dialectical Journal 67

(PG 78) Then too, Janie took the middle of the floor to talk right into Jody's face, and that was something that hadn't been done before.

Not only had Janie never done this before but no one had. Everyone had always just accepted the fact that Jody was in power and what he said went. But Janie has had enough of Jody making her look like a fool. This is her second outburst and I think there are more to come.

Dialectical Journal 68

(PG 79) Then Joe Starks realized all the meanings and his vanity bled like a flood.. Janie had robbed him of his illusion of irresistible maleness that all men cherish, which was terrible.

Jody had been trying to divert people’s attention off of his condition and put their attention on Janie, by making her look bad and pointing out all of her mistakes. Unfortunately when you mess with the bull, you get the horns. Janie doesn’t like to be treated this way and since she has access to everything she needs to take Joe down, he had better watch his back.

Dialectical Journal 69

(PG 80) And the cruel deceit of Janie! Making all that show of humbleness and scorning him all the time! Laughing at him, and now putting the town up to do the same.

Janie is finally treating Joe the way he has been treating her from the very beginning. Joe was constantly putting Janie down in all different aspects to make himself look good and now that the same thing is being done to him he doesn’t know how to handle it. So of course (because he is a man seeking power the only way he can manage in the state he is in) he hits Janie.

Dialectical Journal 70

(PG 84) So Janie began to think of death.

Janie, as well as everyone else knows that Joe is going to die soon. And I think Janie is starting to think about her life with out Joe and how different it would be with out having all of her actions controlled. She may actually be wishing for death, not only for her own happiness, but for his. He doesn’t like to show weakness which is all that he can show right now. So he is in both physical and mental pain and death would probably be a huge relief for him. Although Janie doesn’t really love Joe all that much, she still cares about him and doesn’t want to see him suffer.

Dialectical Journal 71

(PG 86) Ah knowed you wasn’t gointuh lissen tuh me. You changes everything but nothin’ don’t change you—not even death.

This is the way Joe has been the whole time Janie has known him. He was always willing and striving to fix everything around him, but nothing was allowed to fix him. Joe is just being a stubborn old wretch and Janie knows it. I feel like in these last moments together that they have there was a sense of forgiveness and friendship between them. Janie accepted Joe for who he was and knew that was the way he was going to be. I feel like it gave Joe a piece of mind and so he was able to let go and die.

Dialectical Journal 72

(PG 87) She went over to the dresser and looked hard at her skin and features. The young girl was gone, but a handsome woman had taken her place. She tore off the kerchief from her head and let down her plentiful hair.

Now that Joe is dead Janie can finally have some time to focus on her self. When she looks in the mirror she realizes that she is no longer a young lady, she is now a woman. And she is still very beautiful. I think she realizes that there is still a chance for her to find true love and she just has to fully escape from under Joe’s influence. Therefore she lets down her hair and shows off her beauty. She is going to start being Janie again, and not Joe’s wife (trophy, possession).

Dialectical Journal 73

(PG 88) Janie starched and ironed her face and came set in the funeral behind her veil.

Janie has mixed emotions about Joe’s death. She is glad she is out from under the burden that he was on her life, but at the same time she had really grown to know him so there was sorrow in her thoughts. But she just decides to show no emotion that way people can think what they want, she really doesn’t care.

Dialectical Journal 74

(PG 90) These men didn't represent a thing she wanted to know about. She had already experienced them through Logan and Joe

If Janie gets married again she isn’t going to mess around. She has already been in two terrible and unhappy marriages that didn’t contain love at all. This next time she gets married she is going to make sure she is in love, not lust or feeling forced into a relationship. This next marriage is going to be under her own free will.

Dialectical Journal 75

(PG 91) Joe ain't been dead two months. Ain't got settled down in his grave.

Janie keeps getting all this attention from men because of how much money she has. She uses her “sorrow” from Joe’s death as an excuse to get them to back off. She could really care less that Joe is dead but she just needs space.

Dialectical Journal 76

(PG 96) But you got good meat on yo' head

Janie meets Tea Cake and she has finally met someone who tells her what she has been wanting to hear. It never hurts to get complimented and since Janie isn’t used to it based on her previous marriages this sparks an attraction to Tea Cake.

Dialectical Journal 77

(PG 99) He tipped his hat at the door and was off with the briefest good night.

Tea Cake is more of a gentleman then any other men who have been coming around. He is interested in Janie, not her money (or at least it appears that way to me). He spends time talking to her instead of telling her all the things he can and would do that would make him a good husband for her. He seems like he genuinely likes her.

Dialectical Journal 78

(PG 111) Some uh dem very mens wants tuh do whut dey claims dey skeered Tea Cake is doin'.

The other men have been promising all these things to Janie and have been promising that they would treat her a certain way, while Tea Cake comes along and actually does these things. He is a man of action and takes things into his own hands. This makes the other men jealous and envious.

Dialectical Journal 79

(PG 114) Ah done lived Grandma's way, now ah means tuh live mine.

Janie started off living her grandma’s way by marrying Logan even though she didn’t love him. Then she moved on to Joe who she didn’t love either. She stayed with him I think because her grandmothers influence was still lingering and he provided her with a sense of stability because he was rich. But she realizes that this isn’t working out for her too well. So she is going to make sure she lives her way now, which means falling in love.

Dialectical Journal 80

(PG 118) That was when she found out her two hundred dollars was gone.

This was a painful betrayal by Tea Cake. Janie has trust issues with men as it is because of her previous marriages so she is going to be very skeptical in forgiving Tea Cake for this.

Dialectical Journal 81

(PG 121) if you didn’t have de power tuh hold me and hold me tight…it’ll be because she got me in de same way you got me—so Ah can’t help mahself.

Tea Cake comes back and realizes Janie thought he stole the money and ran. So he sits down and reassures her that he loves her, and not her money. He knows the way she has been treated by men and knows that she is very hesitant to let someone in again so he tries his best to let her know that he wouldn’t do that and that he isn’t going anywhere.

Dialectical Journal 82

(PG 126) Let the old hypocrites learn to mind their own business and leave other folks alone

Janie has always lived under the influence and opinions of others, such as Nanny, Joe, and the people of Eatonville. But Tea Cake is encouraging her to not give a damn what all the other people think and just live her life. This goes along with the new lifestyle she will be living and plays into her living independently and happily.

Dialectical Journal 83

(PG 128) So her soul crawled out form its hiding place.

She is finally going to start living her way. She is liberated from her Nanny and Joe and anyone who tries to influence her. She is going to live by doing what she feels and what she desires. And she will no longer be controlled and influenced by the people around her. She is becoming her own woman.

Dialectical Journal 84

(PG 136) Janie learned what it felt like to be jealous.

Janie never really was the jealous type and I think that played into the fact that she never really cared about anything. When she was married to Joe she really didn’t love him so she was never jealous of the attention he was getting by all the other people and women. However Joe was jealous of just the idea of another man looking at Janie. This shows the real difference in love in their relationship. And the fact that Janie is jealous shows that she is finally starting to care about things.

Dialectical Journal 85

(PG 154) Hurricane coming.

This could either mean that there is literally a hurricane coming which means disaster for the people themselves. Or that there is a hurricane of trouble coming which could destroy Janie’s new life. Either way, it is not going to be good news.

Dialectical Journal 86

(PG 167) But you come 'long and made somethin' outa me

Janie didn’t get to start actually living her life and making something out of herself until she met Tea Cake. He is the first thing that has truly mattered to Janie. She needs Tea Cake in her life if she wants to live the life she has been dreaming about.

Dialectical Journal 87

(PG 174) Somethin' got after me in mah sleep, Janie

If you pair this with the idea of the hurricane it could be telling us that something bad is going to happen to Tea Cake. And if something bad does happen to him it would completely destroy Janie.

Dialectical Journal 88

(PG 181) Tea Cake was gone.

He hasn’t died but he has completely changed. He has lost all of his real personality and has been consumed by madness. Janie has to accept the fact that she doesn’t get to hold on to her true love anymore.

Dialectical Journal 89

(PG 188) It was not death she feared. It was misunderstanding

Janie really didn’t care if she got hung for killing Tea Cake. What she was mostly worried about was people misunderstanding and thinking that she had had enough of him so she was going to kill him off. When Janie kills Tea Cake it is out of passion in a sense. The fact that she loves him but he has turned into the rabid animal that she doesn’t even recognize anymore. It is a very deeply emotional thing and she is truly afraid people are going to judge her for it. Which also plays into the idea that she is starting to sink back into her old ways because she is starting to care about what other people think again.

Dialectical Journal 90

(PG 188) So the sun went down

Tea Cake was the light in Janie’s life. He pulled her out of the dark hole she had dug her self in (as well as was pushed in) and he helped her start living life the way she wanted to. So although he is gone she will still continue to live her life of freedom (just as the sun rises and sets everyday) but she will forever miss the light that gave her her freedom.

Dialectical Journal 91

(PG 191) The seeds reminded Janie of Tea Cake more than anything else because he was always planting things.

There was a big connection between Tea Cake and nature. He was the light that made Janie grow and he was also the reason she decided she could start to grow. Tea Cake was the roots to her blossoming tree which was the life she had always dreamed of.

Dialectical Journal 92

(PG 193) She called in her soul to come and see.

Janie finally found the happiness and life she had been searching or all along. Of course it was thanks for Tea Cake for helping her grow, but at least she made it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Their Eyes Were Watching God (55)

(PG 62) Everybody can’t be lak you, Jody. Somebody is bound tuh want tuh laugh and play.

Janie is kind of telling Joe here that he not only needs to lighten up a little bit, but she too wants to be able to laugh and play and live her life the way she wants to, without being controlled and told what to do all the time. This again shows us Janie’s unhappiness.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 61) They wanted to begin, but the Parson wasn’t there, so a messenger was sent to the ruler in a tree where he sat.

Again if trees represent life and the process of life, and there is the ruler sitting in the tree that the birds have to wait on, this shows us not only the pecking order (pun intended) but how the ruler sitting in the tree is looking over the whole tree, and all of the other birds lives. The rulers people are the branches of the tree who are there to support him and hold him up.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 61) Everybody enjoyed themselves to the highest and then finally the mule was left to the already impatient buzzards.

This shows the acceptance of the circle of life. Everyone loved the mule and they would all miss it dearly, but sooner or later they had to accept the fact that the mule was now just food for the buzzards and other predators. There is a lot of other life and death throughout the book that this plays along with.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 61) …and most glorious of all, No Matt Bonner with plow lines and halters to come in and corrupt.

Here it almost sounds as though Matt Bonner is like Joe Starks. Matt didn’t take care of his mule and practically neglected it. Well, Joe is doing the same thing to Janie. And since mules and women are all to often compared in this book, this idea seems fairly fitting.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 60) But de mayor’s wife is somthin’ different again.

Again here Joe is holding Janie up on this pedestal and not letting her be part of the community. He is mostly doing it because it is no good for the mayors wife to go a ceremony like this, she is “too civilized” for things like that. I can imagine this upsets Janie because she likes being part of the people, and it seems as though she really just wants to be allowed to do whatever she wants.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

The mule’s death

The mule died under the big tree, which plays into to the fact that in this novel trees represent life and death. Therefore it was very fitting that the mule died under the cover of “the cycle of life.” Also I thought the explanation of why the mule died with its legs straight up in the air was pretty hilarious, these people’s logic was way off (kind of like googie when she tries to make arguments =D)

Their Eyes Were Watching God

Joe vs. Abraham Lincoln

When I read this I thought it was hilarious. Mostly because Lincoln was freeing slaves and Joe was buying a mule, at a lesser cost then he had originally planned of course, but still, there really should be no comparison between the two. This may have been Janie’s way of trying to convince herself of the good man that Joe can be and is trying to settle her nerves with him.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 57) A little war of defense for helpless things was going on inside her.

Janie keeps having these emotions building up inside her. Here she is really feeling the need to defend things and people who can’t defend themselves. This reiterates the strong willed person Janie is. It is also a bit ironic that she is looking to defend people who can’t/won’t defend themselves, when she is in the same boat herself. Her and the rest of the people in the town, whether they like it or not, are controlled by Joe, for the time being that is.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 55) This business of the head-rag irked her endlessly. But Jody was set on it.

This is the first time Janie really noticed how jealous Joe gets. He didn’t want any of the other men looking at her beautiful long hair and flirting with her. This may be Joe’s one big weakness. He can probably tell how unhappy Janie is and is afraid if another man talked to her and was nice to her her mind may start to wander and she may realize how another man may treat her better then Joe does.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 54) But Joe kept saying she could do it if she wanted to and he wanted her to use her privileges. That was the rock she was battered against.

Joe thinks Janie should feel privileged to be able to help him out and he is always telling her that she should feel lucky to be able to do these things. He tries to make the tasks better then they are so she wants to do them, but Janie is actually starting to feel trapped and controlled. I think there is going to be an outbreak in Janie’s behavior soon.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 54) She went through many silent rebellions over stuff like that.

This plays back into the idea that no one questions or challenges Joe. If Janie really rebelled and yelled at one of the customers then that would reflect badly on the store, which would reflect badly on Joe. This would ultimately mean she was rebelling against him. Up until now it never really seemed like that rule, or fact, applied to Janie because she is his wife and she should be able to question him. This shows that Joe really does have power over the whole town, that is unless someone decides they have had enough of Joe.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 54) She had come to hate the inside of that store anyway. The Post Office too.

Once again Janie is unhappy. We can see that things are starting to pile up and upset her. She keeps gaining responsibilities, such as distributing the mail and selling stamps because Joe is gone and it is always ending up badly. She is really beginning to resent Joe.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

Matt Bonner’s mule

Matt swears he feeds the mule and takes care of him but he is too mean and stubborn to gain any weight. This could be a refection on the idea that women are like mules and the fact that no matter how much men try and take care of them they just don’t want to be taken care of.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 50) The town had a basketful of feelings of good and bad about Joe’s positions and possessions, but none had the temerity to challenge him. They bowed down to him rather, because he was all of these things, and then again he was all of these things because the town bowed down.

By putting and then again he was all of these things because the town bowed down, there could be a foreshadow here that someone will rebel against Joe and that the people are going to stop bowing down to him. I think it is saying that yes Joe is in power but if the people really start to dislike Joe they can take matters into their own hands and over power him if they wanted to.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 49) Ah often wonder how dat lil wife uh hisn makes out wid him, ‘cause he’s uh man dat changes everything, but nothin’ don’t change him.

The people are also aware that Joe is all about change and I think they are getting tired of it. Its not that they don’t think change is good, its just that too much change all at once makes a person feel lost. They also comment on the fact that nothing don’t change him. Earlier in the book Joe talked about how he gets tired of getting used to things a certain way and then having things change. So it seams that Joe is willing to change anything around him that doesn’t really affect him but isn’t taking into consideration the impact certain changes are having on his people. It also implies that he thinks he is perfect and that himself and his views don’t need changing.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 48) Colored folks oughtn’t tuh be so hard on one ‘nother.

This is Sim Jones talking referring to Joe running Henry Pitts out of town. I thought this was a very strange sentence. I understand that black people were the minority for the longest time and they always had each others backs and protected each other the best the could. However I thought it was strange that the people get mad for Joe abiding by the law even though it means forcing one of their own to leave town. Even in communities with white people, people get punished for their crimes, and that’s just the way it is because the law says so, it didn’t matter your skin color. However there were times where men with money could squeeze their way out of sticky situations, but that is a whole different matter. Anyway, I thought this was a prime example of how the black people stood up for one another and acted as a whole. This reinforces and at the same time contradicts what Eatonville is all about too: black people’s rights, freedom and the ability to be free from “the man.” Joe is starting to get power happy and is turning in to “the man” and is loosing sight of what Eatonville is all about.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 48) There was no doubt that the town respected him and even admired him in a way. But any man who walks in the way of power and property is bound to meet hate.

This is an example of the idea that you can’t please everyone. No matter what form of power you are in, you are bound to displease a few people when making decisions. The only thing people in power can do is make decisions that they see fit to be the best thing for their people. So even though Joe is respected as Mayor by his people, there are some things he does that makes some people hate him, but that is just something that comes with the job.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 47) There was something about Joe Starks that cowed the town…he had a bow-down command in his face, and every step he took made the thing more tangible.

This makes Joe sound like a godly figure to me. God is this power figure who people believe in and entrust their livelihood to. Not through force or reasoning, just because the idea of a God pleased the people and gave them hope. This is exactly what has happened with the people of Eatonville and Joe Starks.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 47) They had murmured hotly about slavery being over, but every man filled his assignment.

Although slavery had been said to be over it doesn’t seem that way to Janie. But I don’t think she necessarily is referring to the common perception of slavery, which is white men owning and controlling black people. She is talking more along the lines of people being owned by others, such as her being “owned” by Joe. And all women for that matter being controlled by men. Janie is a very independent minded woman so she doesn’t really take a liking to this type of confinement.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 46) Janie soon began to feel the impact of awe and envy against her sensibilities.

Janie is realizing that the lust she felt for Joe fogged what she knew to be true. At this time she is remembering that what Nanny said did make some sense and that she is doing things that go against what her and Nanny believed in. I predict that Janie is going to just “brush it off” and pretend like nothing has happened. But I think it is slowly going to eat away at her until she reaches a breaking point and leaves Joe.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Their Eyes Were Watching God

(PG 46) A feeling of coldness and fear took hold of her. She felt far away from things and lonely.

She is realizing that enough will never be enough for Jody. He is going to continue to fix up the town and make a big voice for himself and gain power. This makes Janie feel cold and dark because this isn’t what she had in mind when she married him. She imagined that they were going to move to this town run by blacks, be part of the community and live happily together in love (lust). But she now realizes that this dream will never be what Jody truly wants and that he will never settle for it.