Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Road Not Taken

1) He doesn’t feel as though he has taken the wrong road as much as he wishes that he could take both paths and that he doesn’t have to choose, especially since he doesn’t know what lies ahead down the road so he doesn’t know what he is missing. He will be telling it with a sigh because that is really all you can do after all is said and done. You cannot go back in time and change your decision so you just have to sigh and accept it and make the most of the life you choose. I don’t really think he regrets anything. The poem ends saying and that makes all the difference which doesn’t necessarily sound like a bad thing. And it sounds he is the type of person who doesn’t regret things, he just accepts his choices and moves on.

2) Every decision you make, big or small, alters and shapes your future. So although the paths are similar, the slightest difference between them could lead completely different lives.

The Road Not Taken is about making decisions throughout your life and accepting them, no matter the outcome. It is good to take risks and travel on the road less traveled, but you also have to be willing to accept the end results and embrace them. I think that is what the poem is really trying to get across, that you can make the best of what ever decision you make therefore you should take risks and don’t look back.

1 comment:

  1. Good, basic commentary. Remember to point out either the symbolic or allegorical nature of the poem (if you believe the poem employs one of these lit elements). You earn bonus points for pointing lit terms out.
