Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Last Duchess

1) Favor - overgenerous preferential treatment. Officious - assertive authority in an annoyingly domineering way, esp. with regard to petty or trivial matter. Munificence - larger or more generous than is usual or necessary

2) He is speaking to the workers of his soon to be father in law. The people are there setting up for the wedding. The Duke shows them around the palace and tells the story about his last wife’s murder. This most likely makes the people skeptical of him, even though I’m sure they are thinking it will never happen again, which gives the friends of the future a peace of mind.

3) The Duke is obviously rich and powerful and he has a reputation of higher class to uphold, which makes him very self centered. His former wife was threatening that (by being nice to everyone) and he finally snapped and killed her.

4) As I said before his former wife was very nice to everyone, she was an outgoing person and she was the complete opposite of the Duke who was more reserved and all about himself. He thinks by being nice to people she is flirting but really that is just her being nice, however it does irritate him, which means there is most likely some sexual jealousy going on here.

5) The Duke really doesn’t think of the art all that sincerely. He tends to look at it and compare it to his own life. There is a painting of the lady, which was his former wife, as well as the statue of Neptune, who was the god of the sea who not only wants to conquer the sea but also be in full control of other people’s infatuations and lives. The Duke too is this way, he tried to get his wife to change but she didn’t so he killed her.

6) The Duke, who surprisingly isn’t afraid to tell the story of what he did, killed her. This fact here should be a hint to his next wife that he is crazy and controlling and that unless she plans on living just as he wants, she may be the next dead.

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