Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Literary terms 5-6


· Example: Theme of tradition and customs in Beowulf

· Function: The tradition and customs that were in place during Beowulf are much different then the traditions and customs we share today. To us, the principals from the medieval times (where Beowulf was set) sound ridiculous and silly. Such as always paying money to the family of anyone you kill to prevent a blood feud. And always having to avenge any lost family member. Normally when people boast or brag around you it’s irritating and obnoxious. However in Beowulf boasts are a common occurrence and a traditional part of their culture. Boasts are basically ways of passing out their resumes and telling people their qualifications. Other warriors judge each other based on how well they can talk themselves up.

Tone: the writer's attitude toward the material and/or readers. Tone may be playful, formal, intimate, angry, serious, ironic, outraged, baffled, tender, serene, depressed, etc.

· Example: Beowulf

· Function: The narrator of Beowulf, who ever he may be, uses many different tones through out the story while at the same time always keeping a formal tone. The whole epic is told in a calm, serious and quite often stiff manner. There are three main tones that he also shifts between throughout the story; laudatory, pious and mournful. Laudatory, or praising, is shown when a character, most often Beowulf, is acting especially heroic. Pious, or religion, is shown when the narrator reminds us that is God’s decision for what will happen to us and that he sets our fate. And of course the mournful tone is shown when Beowulf is loosing or in trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Good use of BEOWULF to explain this two elements. Interesting ideas in your tone example. Choose one of those tone and expand on it and you should have a decent essay. Just make sure you use detailed examples with explanation of the example.
