Monday, January 30, 2012

Questions for ACT 1 SCENE 1

1) How is interest created in the opening scene?

· They talk to a ghost, who we believe to be the dead king. They were also setting up a childish revenge

2) What information are we given to help us understand the situation?

· They gave a bit of a back story. Old fortinbras challenged king Hamlet to a hand to hand combat duel and died and lost all of his land. Now young Fortinbras is raising an army to fight prince hamlet to avenge his father and gain back the land he lost.

3) What happens at the end of the scene to create suspense and keep up the reader’s interest?

· They plan to tell Hamlet that they saw his fathers ghost.

4) What is the mood of the scene?

· There is a lot of curiosity and at the same time the men are very timid when approaching the ghost.

5) Why are the sentries apprehensive (there are two reasons)?

· First off they are talking to their former king’s ghost. And secondly Horatio says that often times fallen leaders come back to warn their people that something bad is coming, possibly war.

6) What reasons are suggested by Horatio for the appearance of the late King’s ghost?

· He says he is their as a warning for the people that something bad is about to happen to the country.

1 comment:

  1. 4) Curiosity? Isn't it more like apprehension, fear.
    5) 1) ghost; 2) the preparations for war.
    6) 1) warning of some threat against the nation; 2) hoarding treausre
