Monday, September 12, 2011

Beowulf: Dialectical Journal 19

Theme of Tradition

The tradition and customs that were in place during Beowulf are much different then the traditions and customs we share today. To us, the principals from the medieval times (where Beowulf was set) sound ridiculous and silly. Such as always paying money to the family of anyone you kill to prevent a blood feud. And always having to avenge any lost family member. Even boasting, liked I talked about in my last entry, is a principal as well. Other warriors judge each other based on how well they can talk themselves up.

1 comment:

  1. Good - remember that as an Epic Hero Beowulf must reflect the values of his culture, and therefore culture will be an important theme. Note - that Beowulf takes place around 521 A.D. (this is the date of Hygelac's death), and this is "dark ages" (think about the date for the fall of Rome).
