Saturday, August 20, 2011

Death of Conchobhar

When Jesus was crucified by pilot, he died for everyone’s sins and he didn’t intend on anyone wanting to avenge him on the Jews and those who crucified him. And I believe when Conchobhar became enraged with fury towards them, it was Jesus who caused Meis-Geghra’s brain to spring out of his head, stopping him from causing harm for others and causing unnecessary death. After his brain popped out of his head, all of his blood started pouring out which began purifying his body, making it possible from him to join Christ in heaven. I believe Christ did this because although Chonchobhar’s thoughts were violent, his intentions to fight for his noble leader Jesus Christ pleased him, so he rewarded him by taking him to heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Jayce, this is an interesting interpretation, but do you have any proof to back up your ideas.
